the integration group and the ally co. invite you to participate in

Boundaries Before Burnout®

A three-week leadership development accelerator for effectively setting and holding boundaries on workplace teams.

Explore the connection between 'power' and 'permission'

Learn how to prioritize self-care and navigate boundary setting

Activate practical strategies and tools for yourself and your team


=> A real-time, action-oriented, and engaging experience

=> All sessions will start at 10am PST | 11pm MST | 1pm EST

  • Wednesday Nov 30 | Exploring boundaries and limits | 90 min

  • Wednesday Dec 7 | Power, permission, and boundary setting at work | 90 min

  • Wednesday Dec 14 | Office hours + Q&A | 90 min

=> Fee of $345 USD per participant

  • Contact us for group registrations

Your facilitators

Boundaries Before Burnout® is a collaboration between The Integration Group and The Ally Co., in support of a shared goal to cultivate leaderful organizations where people thrive and contribute to their fullest.

Woodrie Burich | Owner of The Integration Group and founder of the Boundaries Before Burnout® group coaching program

Woodrie is on a mission to empower professionals to create sustainable and thriving work lives that enable them to enjoy more, stress less and connect with their communities in positive and meaningful ways.

She has more than a decade of experience working in stress management and combines this with over 20 years of expertise in tech working for global and Fortune 500 companies.

Woodrie is a national speaker, presented a TEDx Talk, and writes about sustainable success and inspired leadership in her quarterly column for Alaska Business Magazine.

Jeff Couillard | Co.CEO and Director of Transformational Learning experiences at The Ally Co.

Jeff is a co.founder and owner of The Ally Co., a team of entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches, facilitators, and instructors helping organizations to cultivate the awareness, willingness, and skill required to lead truly transformational change.

Having spent most of his earlier professional years leading teams and helping to build globally-recognized addiction treatment programs, Jeff has developed a transformational skill set and approach to change that is grounded in the human experience and a deep understanding of power and motivation.

Let's go!